Butternut squash gratin

Okay, people. This is getting serious. Even my sister — who doesn’t cook — is asking me why I never post. (The answer is that I am incredibly lame about photos. When I get around to uploading my backlog, there are probably a dozen posts in there.)

But I did actually cook dinner the other […]

Zucchini and ricotta galette

Remember that galette with the amazing crust? Yeah, me too. But since I’m enjoying the way that it is not yet butternut squash season, I wanted a summer version for a dinner recently. Fortunately, I didn’t have to look far.

(Look, kids! Terrible lighting make your zucchini look like sources of nuclear power!)

The […]

Sufferin’ Succotash!

Yes, for real. Succotash is a real food, and I have made it, along with some expert assistance from Leah. Furthermore, it is both tasty and wildly in season right now.

There is nothing hard about this recipe, and you can do almost all of it during the time that the beans are cooking, […]

Israeli couscous salad

This is one of those perfect lunch foods: it has vegetables, it travels well, and it’s good warm, cold, or anything in between. I have visions of taking it on picnics and having it at summer brunches.

You could substitute other vegetables here: just check on how long they need to roast and cook […]

Asparagus Bulgur Risotto

This is one of those ideas so good that I can’t believe I didn’t have it myself: risotto with brie. It is lusciously creamy in a way that the hard cheese we usually use for risotto just can’t match. To stand up to that creaminess, this recipe uses bulgur wheat instead of rice, along with tender roasted asparagus and snappy sun-dried tomatoes. asparagus bulgur risotto […]

Sweet potato quesadillas

I first encountered these untraditional quesadillas at a tapas party, where slices were among the small plates on offer. They’re a brilliant combination — the mild sweet potato filling, sharp cheddar cheese, a crispy tortilla — and I pretty much went straight home and wrote an email to ask for the recipe. sweet potato quesadillas […]

Butternut squash and onion galette

It’s been kind of non-stop sweets around here lately, so here are some vegetables in case any of you were thinking it wasn’t a good idea to have cupcakes for dinner (again). This is a bit time-intensive (it took me about 90 minutes), but if you’re going to make it, I strongly recommend doubling, because […]

Mushroom Strudel

I love a lot of things about being vegetarian, but one thing I don’t love is entrees. You know the drill: you go to a family dinner, and you eat six sides for dinner. Or worse yet, six sides plus Tofurkey. Yikes! Sure, they’re probably excellent sides, but when it comes to tasty entrees, we’re […]

Warm chickpea and butternut squash salad

I love fall vegetables. A lot.

roasted squash […]