Wild Rice Salad

It’s been a while! Â But look, I made food!

It’s simple and delicious, which is basically the new black around here.

Wild Rice Salad

(Adapted from Bon Appetit)

1 cup wild rice 1 cup radishes 1/4 c toasted unsalted pecans (or another nut) 3 T fresh chives 2 oz feta 1/4 c olive […]

Greek orzo salad

Have I mentioned recently that it’s hot here? Some evenings it gets cool enough that I can think about turning on the stove, but the oven is pretty much out of the question. So it is, once again, salad time.

I’m having a bit of a Greek salad obsession (it it just me, or […]

Lentil salad

We’re in a strange between-time in my part of the world: it’s warm enough that spring food is on my mind, but not warm enough for any that food to be actually growing yet. So my compromise position is grain- or legume-based salads, which seem lighter than my usual winter fare but rely more heavily […]

Orzo and feta salad

It must be getting towards spring, even here, because I’m ready to think about salads again. But not green salads: every year in June, my farmshare delivers up so much lettuce that eating green salad every day — sometimes twice a day — is the only way to manage it, so I try to save up my green salad desires for that. Instead, I’m going for bean salads and salads like this one that combine grains and vegetables. orzo salad […]

Butternut squash and onion galette

It’s been kind of non-stop sweets around here lately, so here are some vegetables in case any of you were thinking it wasn’t a good idea to have cupcakes for dinner (again). This is a bit time-intensive (it took me about 90 minutes), but if you’re going to make it, I strongly recommend doubling, because […]