Sufferin’ Succotash!

Yes, for real. Succotash is a real food, and I have made it, along with some expert assistance from Leah. Furthermore, it is both tasty and wildly in season right now.

There is nothing hard about this recipe, and you can do almost all of it during the time that the beans are cooking, […]

Greek orzo salad

Have I mentioned recently that it’s hot here? Some evenings it gets cool enough that I can think about turning on the stove, but the oven is pretty much out of the question. So it is, once again, salad time.

I’m having a bit of a Greek salad obsession (it it just me, or […]

Lentil salad

We’re in a strange between-time in my part of the world: it’s warm enough that spring food is on my mind, but not warm enough for any that food to be actually growing yet. So my compromise position is grain- or legume-based salads, which seem lighter than my usual winter fare but rely more heavily […]