Oatmeal chocolate chip muffins

There are muffins and then there are muffins. These guys, loaded with regular and white chocolate chips, and rich with butter and yogurt, are definitely in the latter category. In fact, for me, these are more of a brunch food than something one might reasonably eat for breakfast. People less than five feet tall (or […]

Bran muffins

I have breakfast issues. I’m allergic to bread and the texture of eggs makes my tongue want to cry. And then it’s winter a lot here, which makes it hard to think about lovely summer breakfasts like melon or smoothies or yogurt. bran muffins […]

Parsnip spice muffins

I am now in the middle of my winter CSA, in that kind of scary part in the middle where you’ve gotten 2/3 of the produce but have only cooked 1/4 of it. Sure, a lot of it stores well, but it’s a pretty intimidating mountain of produce.

Every year, I find a few […]